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首页 > 供应产品 > 非下垂双组份聚硫密封胶851、拉伸强度高止水密封神器
品牌: 汉江
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 20 公斤
供货总量: 1000 公斤
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-04-07 09:14

执行国家建材行业标准:JC483-2006,根据客户的需求,生产的双组份聚硫密封胶分两种( 非下垂型,自流平型)。
The implementation of the national building materials industry standard: JC483-2006, according to customer demand, the production of two-component polysulfide sealant two (non droop type, self leveling).
The first one is non droop type two-component polysulfide sealant, the appearance of fine and uniform paste or viscous body, suitable for all kinds of cement building deformation joint, deformation joint of building is both vertical seam and seam or seams, the top are applicable, since the sulfur sealing is applied to the vertical seam or buildings the top slot, does not appear in the fall of the sealant flowing from the phenomenon of construction joints, but directly stick to go above, therefore, the construction of non droop type two-component polysulfide sealant is particularly suitable for building vertical seam or top seam,

非下垂型双组份聚硫密封胶耐油、耐水、耐大气、耐紫外线耐冲击、耐磨擦、耐高低温( -50 ℃ -120 ℃)无毒、无污染;属低模量,高伸长率,适用于土木工程,大型水利工程,自来水厂,大型污水处理厂,给排水、水利工程和建筑外挂板等混凝土工程,有良好粘结效果。使变形缝具有热胀冷缩,变形移位同步协调的作用。
Non pendulous type two-component polysulfide sealant oil resistance, water resistance, air resistance, UV resistance, impact resistance, abrasion resistance to high temperature (-50 DEG -120 DEG) is non-toxic, no pollution; low modulus, high elongation, applicable to civil engineering, large-scale water conservancy projects, tap water factory, large-scale sewage treatment plant, to concrete drainage, water conservancy project and building cladding, has good bonding effect. The deformation joint has the function of thermal expansion and contraction, and the deformation and displacement synchronously.
第二种是自流平型双组份聚硫密封胶,外观为水状液体胶装物,向水一样,能够在变形缝里流淌,比较稀,它只适用于水泥建筑物变形缝的地缝,具有流淌性,将其按比例配比好以后,直接灌到地缝里,能够流淌到建筑物变形缝里,在施工建筑物平面的地缝时,用自流平型双组份密封胶会省时省力,自流平型双组份聚硫密封胶耐油、耐水、耐大气老化、耐紫外线耐冲击、耐磨擦、耐高低温( -50 ℃ -120 ℃)无毒、无污染;属低模量,高伸长率,适用于城市的休闲广场地面变形缝、停车场、给排水、机场跑道、混凝土公路、池底、地下工程,水利工程、土木工程等水平面混凝土结构的变形缝密封。
The second is self leveling two-component polysulfide sealant, the appearance of water like liquid glue, like water to flow, can the deformation joints, relatively thin, it is only suitable for the cement building deformation joint seam, with the flow, according to the proportion after directly poured into seam where can flow to the building distortion seam, construction of buildings in the plane of the seam, with self leveling two-component sealant will be time-saving, self leveling two-component polysulfide sealant oil resistance, water resistance, resistance to ultraviolet atmospheric aging, impact resistance, abrasion resistance, high and low temperature (-50 DEG -120 DEG) non-toxic and no pollution; low modulus, high elongation, suitable for the city leisure square, parking lot, ground deformation joint drainage, airport runway, concrete road, the bottom of the pool, underground engineering, hydraulic engineering, civil engineering level The deformation seam seal of the concrete structure is sealed.

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